Looking for additional Qubes Documentation Maintainer

We are looking for an additional documentation maintainer to help Unman

  • the current doc maintainer - with the task. The role mainly consists
    of reviewing and merging pull requests to the documentation, but
    sometimes it’s also about writing/adjusting some parts. The person
    should be familiar with Qubes OS enough to be able to verify accuracy of
    proposed changes, but they don’t need to know everything - it’s okay to
    ask others in case of doubt. The important part is knowing when to ask :slight_smile:
    Technically, it involves working with git (including signed tags),
    markdown files, and (hopefully very soon) reStructuredText (rst) format
    and Sphinx.

Since the role includes push access to the qubes-doc repository, we
expect this to be a person, that has already been participating in the
community for a significant time[1].

We understand the value of well-maintained documentation, and to help keep
it sustainable we can provide some remuneration for the maintainer from the
funds we collect on OpenCollective.

If you think you will be a good fit for this role, and would like to
help the project, let us know.

[1] lets say, 3 years, to put the bar higher than xz-utils :wink:



I’d be happy to help, however I don’t have the 3 years required. But I’ve done paid work on the documentation for the foundation, so you have a proof I’m a real person at least :smile:


No 3 years of being involved, but still would like to volunteer.

In my case the verification of documentation accuracy might be made easier with both the experience I have with reviewing technical documents, e.g. for UEFI Shim signing or with a lab setup, which helps follow text verbatim and see if that text matches, what exactly happens.


I would love to do it or help out with it in any way I can.


I’d be happy to help too.
However I have very little free time for the next 4-5 months


I do not have proof of personhood, however I have been using QubesOS since the release of R4.2. I am willing to help with documentation and I have significant free time :3

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