Looking for a Desktop PC that is compatible with Qubes

I am looking for a desktop computer (or motherboard) that works well with Qubes. Does anyone have good recommendations? I did experiment with a Dell Optiplex 7040. It almost worked except that Qubes performed erratically upon waking up from suspend (ex: no ethernet). I did browse through the hardware compatibility list on the Qubes website.

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Recent generation AMD processors like Ryzen 5 with MSI motherboards with good RAM can run Qubes 4.1. For GPU, you can buy any cheap one from AMD. Buy faster drives. Get a usb with write protect switch to create installation media. suspend may be broken although…
…Dive in. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Issues with suspend seems to be a common issue. I experienced no such problems with a Librem 15 but other computers I’ve had problems with that.