Librem13 v4 - can not access ssd

Hi all,

i’m very new to Qubes but play around with it (4.2) on my librem 13 v4 and i love it so far. For me the best part is so separate all different tasks in it’s own vm. First some informations about the librem, I have a nvme with 250gb on which Qubes is installed, it also contains a ssd with 500gb which I would like to use for my pictures and videos (i’m a photographer).

unfortunately I can not access the ssd, I can see it in the device widget and also can connect it to one of my vm but can not put any data onto it.

As I am not very familiar with linux itself so I think it is something easy to solve – but unfortunately not for me.

In the end, this is what I want to archive: I want to use the ssd the same way I use an external ssd – connect it via the device widget to the vm I work on and access the data. Maybe someone has an easy guide for me how I can archive this? If this is possible as well I would like to encrypt the ssd as well but with a different passphrase as the nvme qubes is installed on.

I already checked the guides about secondary storage and block devices but non of the really helped me. Also i created a new filesystem via mkfs and a new partition via fdisk.

Thank you all!

You didn’t mention performing a critical step, and you say you’re new to Linux, so I’m going to risk telling you something you already know:

Once the device shows up on your VM (it should be listed as /dev/xvdi when you do an lsblk) you still need to mount it.

[Note: you may actually see something like /dev/xvdi and then a bunch of sub devices /dev/xvdi1, etc. If so you’ll want one of the subdevices but you’ll have to experiment to figure out which one. I have an ssd myself, and it shows up on dom0 as dom0:sda and dom0:sda1. If I attach dom0:sda I will see /dev/xvdi and /dev/xvdi1 and will want to mount /dev/xvdi1. If I instead attach dom0:sda1 I will only see /dev/xvdi.]

Whatever your device is named, you need to mount it. Find (or create) an empty folder in your VM’s home directory. Let’s call it mount.

Then issue sudo mount /dev/xvdi ~/mount.

Once you’ve done this the SSD should “magically” be attached to ~/mount. If you do an ls -alF it should show up as being owned by root, with full permissions (drwxrwxrwx).

You should be able to copy files in and out of ~/mount, which is really your SSD.

When you are done moving files around, issue sudo umount ~/mount [note, it’s umount, not unmount, no ‘n’] and your SSD is unmounted. You can then detach the drive by undoing the steps you did to attach it. (Warning: you can detach without unmounting too by accident; the system doesn’t try to stop you .)

You can test this by mounting, copying a file into ~/mount, verifying it’s there, then umounting. Check ~/mount again (it’s now an ordinary folder) and see that it’s empty. Then mount the SSD again, and see that the file you copied is in ~/mount again.

If any of this is unclear (I may have assumed too much knowledge about some aspect of linux) let me know.


for of all thank you very much for your help!
As you mentioned the device is listed as /dev/xvdi.
I already thought about mounting the device but i was not sure if this is necessary as for example my external ssd is working directly after connecting it via the device widget.
I just tried your option: i created a folder with
mkdir mnttest
which now appears in my vm but i still can not copy any files. i get an error message
Error opening file “/home/user/mnttest/test.pdf”. Permission denied. Do you want to skip it?

This also happens if i try to create a new file on the mounted device.
To be honest i’m not sure of I made a mistake in the beginning creating the filesystem so i made a new one with mkfs and create a new partition but still the same.

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Sounds like a permission problem and that can happen somtimes depending on the file system used on what you’re mounting,

What do you get from lsblk -f /dev/xvdi -o FSTYPE -n? If it’s “vfat” “exfat” or “ntfs” you’re likely dealing with this particular issue.

Try: sudo mount -o uid-1000,gid-1000 /dev/xvdi ~/mnttest

If you don’t have one of these “wrong” filesystems this will simply refuse to even pretend to mount; if you do it will likely solve your problems.

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Thanks again for your help.
lsblk -f /dev/xvdi -o FSTYPE -n says ext4
If i try sudo mount -o uid-1000,gid-1000 /dev/xvdi ~/mnttest i get an error wrong fs type, bad superblock on /dev/xvdi
As there are no data on the ssd maybe i makes sense to start from the beginning and i create a new filesystem as well as a new partition + encryption? Do you have an easy guide for this?

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OK, that’s exactly what I would expect now that I know your SSD is an ext4.

(Basically the first method I showed you always mounts something but maybe not in a useful way if it’s one of those MS-DOS/Windows file systems, the second method ONLY works for the MS-DOS/Windows file systems, and is needed if you want write access. What you described sounded like trying to use the first method with a Windows filesystem. But now we know something else is going on instead.)

OK now that I know you’re dealing with Linux ext4 (the same one I typically use), let’s take a look at the permissions and ownership.

Try mounting the SSD the first way.

Can you do an ls -alF in your home directory and tell me what it says for your mount point? You should see something like

drwxr-xr-x 3 user user (followed by a size which will probably be 4096, a date, and your mount point name).

Then step into your mount point, do andother ls -alF and tell me what it reports for “.” and “…”.


Thanks again for your help and espacally the explanation!
With ls -alF in my home folder i get
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Dec 19 19:53 ./
drwxr-xr-x. 21 root root 4096 Dec 16 11:52 ../
drw------. 16 user user 4096 Jan 27 11:25 user/

If i do it in the mount folder i get
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Jan 27 11:35 ./
drwxr-xr-x. 4 user user 4096 Jan 28 17:13 ../
drw------. 2 root root 16384 Jan 27 11:25 lost+found/

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Whoops! I wasn’t clear. I meant your home folder, not the home folder. In other words, please do an ls -alF in /home/user, and let me know what it says about your mount folder. (I’m now 99% sure I know what’s going on, I just want this last thing to confirm it.)

Oh, and we might as well also get what your mount folder looks like without the disk mounted, too.

sorry i’m not sure what to do. So you mean i should do ls -alF in dom0 /home/user? The results i posted before were done in my personal-vm where i mounted the ssd.
Sorry about my confusion

How did you format the data drive?

in dom0 i did
sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda1
why do i think i did something fundamental wrong: with all other block devices (like external ssd) i just use the device widget and connect it to the chosen vm. With my “internal” ssd i have to connect it to the vm and don’t see anything, i always have to mount it first but then can not access

It looked like, on the Vm, you went to /home (not /home/user) to do your first ls. I wanted you to do it in /home/user. (I said home directory, you apparently took that to mean /home rather than /home/user, which is the home directory of user. My fault for not being clear.)