I used the GNOME disk tool on Linux to create the USB, I could not get standard dd or balenaEtcher[1] to work. dd kept freezing about 90% of the way through no matter what iterations of the setup i tried.
I had to use Legacy boot mode.
Once I switched to Legacy boot mode, I had to go back in and turn on the virtualization stuff. Evidently Legacy turns all that off. (Boot while holding down F1, go into Security and toggle both of the virtualization options)
Aside from those, everything went smooth. I just followed the Installation Guide and it all worked as it said it would.
[1] It’s possible balenaEtcher would have worked fine if i had used Legacy boot mode. That solved the same error I kept getting with GNOME - which is the screen would just flicker black for a second prior to install and nothing would happen.
If you want a better website, do not require people to jump through your arbitrary hoops. I already took my time to do this. I included the exact model number and the fact that it worked, and how I got it to work. That is more than enough information.