Latest dom0 update causes i3 error

Latest dom0 on i3 update gives me

Error: Could not parse JSON (lexical error: invalid character inside string.)

Any way to revert the update or fix this?

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Try changing line 138 in /usr/bin/qubes-i3status to

local volume=$(amixer sget Master | grep -o '\[[0-9]\+%\]' | tr -d '[]' | head -n1)

$ diff /usr/bin/qubes-i3status qubes-i3status-orig 
<     local volume=$(amixer sget Master | grep -o '\[[0-9]\+%\]' | tr -d '[]' | head -n1)
>     local volume=$(echo "$volcmd" | awk '/%/ {gsub(/[\[\]]/,""); print $4}')

Save an original copy first!!!