Keepass (Keepass2) failed to save remote database


I have a remote database for KeePass that I access with keepass2 (Debian 10) or simply keepass (Fedora30).
Note it is not KeepassXC that only works on local (vault domain).

I can open the database, I can edit it but once I try to save it (remote) the KeePass freezes… I have to kill it through terminal and once I open the database back, the entries are lost.

Does anyone manage to run Keepass (which allow remote database) on QubesOS AppVM?
Keepass2 works perfectly on a Linux dist. But it seems I have an issue with AppVM.

I also have this KeePass tools in the tray/menu bar - which I don’t really need (no idea how Qubes auto-add it there?)

Thank you,

Any hints?

Thank you,

Hi @jKER24qP. Just to clarify:

  • You have KeepassXC and you’re using a feature that synchonizes the database
  • KeepassXC is installed on an AppVM
  • You can open a remote database but not save it

Is this right? Also, is this AppVM the VaultVM? (If so, it shouldn’t have internet access)


  • You have KeepassXC and you’re using a feature that synchonizes the database

No! :wink: I am using Keepass2 from Debian/Fedora repo. The Keepass2 is allowing remote Database (FTPs access).

Also, is this AppVM the VaultVM? (If so, it shouldn’t have internet access)

It is not the VaultVM and need Internet access to remotely access the database. It’s not the safest solution but it’s how it works now for this database (collaborative database).

With this Keepass2 (and not XC nor RC) I can open the remote database. And I should be able to save it but it freezes when I try to save the database.
This works perfectly on a Debian/Fedora system (not with an AppVM on QubeOS).

Also I wonder how/why the KeePass2 creates an icon (the orange one) in the System tray by itself (while I have not asked anything :slight_smile: ).


So I wonder where I have to start looking at to fix this issue - because I have to work on this database and script is a NOK solution (merge edits from/to the database can only be handled by Keepass2).

Thank you,

I see. I am also a bit clueless as to where you can start looking, unfortunately. Perhaps try accessing the ftp directly from within that qube and try writing some file there?

From my understanding if the icon is there is because it would also show up in other operating systems. Though the image doesn’t look right – looks like a bug to me.

Any chance how I can escalate this issue with the icon in the System tray?


I confirm @deeplow guess, it is due the program (Keepass). I have other programs do the same.

Try to upgrade to the latest OS versions maybe this solves your issue.

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I have everything up to date (Fedora32), package and QubesOS 4.

I am not sure the System tray icon is really a bug because it offers some shortcut to the KeePass2 features

The issue may come from Mono (.NET framework required to run this KeePass2 on Linux)?

It works perfectly outside Qubes - I have to find a solution :frowning:

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I haven’t found any solution yet - I try my chance again :wink:

Where should I start looking at to fix this system tray icon bug?!


I forgot to update this :slight_smile:
This is an issue with Mono (the platform to run cross-platform application uses for KeePass2.x).

It’s not a QubeOS issue.