KDE - changing the way you use Qubes

Both environments allow you to set the DPI in their respective settings
and obey that value perfectly. You might struggle with getting HiDPI
working in your qubes, in which case the desktop environment running in
dom0 or sys-gui has no impact.

Personally I have found that the easiest and most robust way is this:

  1. make sure there is NO xsettings daemon running in your qubes (e.g.
    gnome-settings-daemon or xsettingsd)

  2. add Xft.dpi: 138 or whatever your DPI value is in /etc/X11/Xresources
    (Fedora) or /etc/X11/Xresources/x11-common (Debian)

  3. for some QT apps it will be necessary to set QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1 which
    I expected it to be by default, but it somehow isn’t.

I spent months struggling with HiDPI until I found the above solution,
which still makes me angry because it’s so easy and obvious once you
know it.
