Kali template available

Thanks for the reply. Already did it… :slight_smile:

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Unlike all other testing templates, only Kali on my Qubes-OS 4.1rc2 updates regularly via Qubes Update.

Has anybody got this working?

I’ve tried installing but I get ‘no space left on device’.

I havent attempted resizing as I am not sure exactly what I need to do, and others have warned not to here.

Can this not be solved via a dom0 update which would resize the partition? If not, can you, @fepitre , advise on how we can resize safely?

I’m waiting we finish to build bookworm packages in order to build a new Kali template with the core metapackage only. It would be smaller than the standard one.


To confirm: is there no recommended/safe way to resize the partititon?
Will this be a problem with future ISOs?

I can easily increase the amount of system storage in qubes settings for any qubes template. I have my kali template set to 50gb and haven’t had any issues. I can’t decrease it though but it will still only allocate storage from the physical drive when needed so that saves space.

We have attempted to optimize dom0 pool size so normally if you don’t have too much extra kernels, there should be enough space to allow dom0 to unpack the RPM then copy it on the fly to the vm pool.

Take a look at your disk space usage or / in dom0. What is the free space currently?

approx 9G on / available,


When I tried to install the Kali template I get suspicious returns:
[user@dom0 ~]$ rpm -q qubescore-dom0-linux
[user@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community-testing qubes-template-kali
Redirecting to ‘qvm-template install --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community-testing qubes-template-kali’
Downloading ‘qubes-template-kali-0:4.0.6-202106171816’…
qubes-template-kali-0:4.0.6-202106171816: 4%| | 149M/3.32G [12:16<4:21:35, 202
Error canoncalizing file: Payload forged!
ERROR: [errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/root/.cache/qvm-template/tmp4xa4_2h_/qubes-template-kali-0:4.0.6-202106171816.rpm.UNTRUSTED’

I tried the
sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community-testing qubes-template-kali
command again and it reached 90% before returning the same as ab0ve.

Space problem issue?

Don’t know if you’re aware @fepitre but the repos included in the template are http and fail (probably due to mitm attack on http repos) with mismatch errors.

Easily resolved by using https repos.

This is somewhere on my backlog…I’m welcoming any help for that too :slight_smile:

For anybody interested.
You need to:

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
nano kali.list

Old, repos included with template (DO NOT USE).
# deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib

New Repos:
deb https://kali.download/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib

I used kali.download as kali.org was extremely slow for me.

They are using http servers!!! That’s insanity, especially for an offensive distro…

Your response looks promising but when trying the directory you mentioned in terminal emulator it does not exist. I tried editing the file path even.

If packages are signed…who cares?


Were you able to find a way to safely install Kali template by resizing dom0 pool or another method?

Denial of Service, see earlier reply:

Used lvresize to resize /deb/qubes_dom0/root

Can you clarify, do you have the kali template installed & are you executing this command in the kali template?

Thank you for your reply. I was and still am a little concerned about the errors I was getting “Payload forged!” and “…rpm.UNTRUSTED”, but I retried the initial install command several times and it eventually completed the template download. I was able to fix the subsequent dom0 small pool issue with the command suggested here by fepitre: sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1d

…rpm.UTRUSTED is a temporary name of downloaded rpm package. It is first downloaded with that name, then SHA is calculated and checked. If it is ok it is then renamed to the same name without .UNTRUSTED postfix and installation begins. This is the “Qubes way” of downloading the packages. So that what You se is IMO corruption during download. Then checksum not match, yo see message “Payload forged!” and installation not start.

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Recently tried to install unmans latest kali template, but it failed.

Anyone, argue, what I doing wrong / is missing here?