Dear Friend, I invite you to a joint ‘‘DUG#8 & vPub 0xD’’ event next Thursday:
on DUG 2024-12-12T17:00:00Z (your local time) : we will discuss the Dasharo distribution of coreboot opensource PC firmware (much better than a typical closed-source UEFI: it provides the hardened security, high quality, cool features and almost-lifetime upgrades!) and explore its new feature: a built-in tiny OS called DTS (Dasharo Tools Suite)
on vPub 2024-12-12T19:00:00Z (your local time) we will be having an Opensource Online Party : with a cozy free-for-all chat about everything opensource firmware/hardware-related, as well as a few planned talks by our peers who would like to share their hard-won in-depth knowledge:
- how to analyze the proprietary firmware images of AMD boards
- how to check if your AMD board is not blocked by Platform Secure Boot from running the opensource firmware
- how to improve the security of your homelab & intranet networks from the low-level angle
- how to ensure that your opensource firmware builds are reproducible.
Also, you may learn about rare devices that support the opensource firmwares and are hard to stumble upon elsewhere
Join links & full events schedule are available here (both video streams and text chats will be available) :
DUG#8 & vPub 0xD opensource online Party! - next Thursday
P.S. to avoid missing out future events, join our Matrix or a tiny-volume event notification newsletter (just ~4 e-mails per year)