Is Transifex for Qubes OS Localization Dead?

The link is dead.

On Help, support, mailing lists, and forum | Qubes OS it is not helpful even.

How can someone help with QubesOS translation?

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Hi, @Qman. Thank you for your interest in contributing to Qubes! I’m told that the Transifex project has been temporarily made private while the localization team determines the best way to handle contributions from translators. In the future, it is possible that the project may change from Transifex to a different localization platform, so contributions are temporarily paused to avoid duplication of effort.


Any ETA? I have seen that this have been the case for years Specifying the translation/localization workflow: How to use Transifex best? · Issue #3548 · QubesOS/qubes-issues · GitHub

Weblate would be great.

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Sorry, there’s no ETA at this time.

I’ve heard Weblate mentioned as a possible alternative.

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