Is there a way to automatically tile applications?

In some linux distros, you can drag an application to the left and another to the right to tile them.

When I drag to the left in Qubes, it want to go to another workspace when sometimes I want tiled.

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It also tiles, but the moving to another workspace is indeed quite sensitive and it’s easy to go through.

I suppose there must be way to configure that sensitivity, but I haven’t felt the need to. The XFCE documentation or forums should be a good place to start of you’re in a mood for it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: on R4.1 things work by default the same as @solene describes in the next post.


On the XFCE shipped in Qubes OS 4.2-RC5 this works out of the box.

  • If you move a window on a border, it takes half the screen.
  • If you move a window in a corner, it takes the corner size (25% of the screen)
  • if you move a window on a border and insists, it switches to another desktop

This can also be customised in the keyboard shortcuts, I’m used to have the keypad keys + super to move/resize a window to half a screen (horizontal/vertical) or a corner. But that’s not practical on a laptop without a keypad :frowning:


This works on the first screen if dragging something to the upper left or border but if you are on screen 6 and have 12 screens it will move it to another screen.

Is there a way to block Qubes from trying to move it to another screen by default?

A lot of times I do not use that first screen.

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If you’d rather not have it, you can disable the workspace jumps when you drag windows (or move you pointer) near the edge of the screen in:

Q Menu > System Tools > Window Manager > Advanced > Wrap workspaces when reaching the screen edge

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This should be marked as solution for the sake of others searching for the info in the future.

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Try Super+[arrow key] for the “takes half the screen” cases and Super+Alt+[arrow key] for the “quarter screen” cases.