Is SaltStack Open Source?

SaltStack isn’t open-source software, at least I couldn’t find the source. I haven’t filled in their form though. The Qubes blog post is almost 5 years old. Maybe it was open-source. Could some help me to understand that?

Find the code here. It’s released under the open-source license Apache 2.0.


deeplow via Qubes OS Community Forum:

Find the code here. It’s released under the open-source license Apache 2.0.

Thanks deeplow. It isn’t advertised on, right? I just want
to know whether I need new glasses. :wink:

Well is a commercial enterprise that leverages salt, the
open source software, to produce SaltStack Enterprise, and offers
consultancy and training.
So you probably wouldn’t expect them to draw attention to the open source
offering. This isn’t unusual. But as I recall there used to be a link to
the Open source community.
You don’t need glasses, you’re just looking in the wrong place.

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