Is it feasible to give up pgp?

Is it feasible for QubesOS to give up PGP, given its old age and substitute it with another alternative, in verifying the signatures of the ISO image and Qubes repos as well?

For example: OpenBSD uses Signify.

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This came up last year on qubes-users, I liked this answer…

I searched for something like that but I couldn’t find any. Maybe I didn’t see it.

I’d appreciate it if you provide the link for the thread.

I searched for something like that but I couldn’t find any. Maybe I
didn’t see it.!searchin/qubes-users/signify;context-place=forum/qubes-users

I’d appreciate it if you provide the link for the thread.!searchin/qubes-users/signify/qubes-users/kqMHAFv_FbI/HwPv2hoSCQAJ