Is anyone able to build archlinux-minimal?

qubes-builder fails during the build process of vmm-xen with:
(./setup with 4.2 set)

==> ERROR: PKGBUILD does not exist.
Container chroot-vm-archlinux failed with error code 12.
make[2]: *** [/home/user/qubes-builder/qubes-src/builder-archlinux/Makefile.archlinux:109: dist-package] Error 12
make[1]: *** [Makefile.generic:197: packages] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:265: vmm-xen-vm] Error 1

qubes-builderv2 fails with qubes executor in my setup so I used the local one but it fails with:
(archlinux.yml from example-configs with local executor instead)

output: --> Verifying tags...
output: ERROR: CalledProcessError(1, ['git', '-c', 'gpg.program=/usr/bin/gpg-sq', '-c', 'gpg.minTrustLevel=fully', 'verify-tag', '--raw', '--', 'dcccd469b7c11172145b0e764d2236cb9f34dd50']); stderr: [GNUPG:] NEWSIG
output: [GNUPG:] ERRSIG 063938BA42CFA724 1 8 00 1714103212 9 0064428F455451B3EBE78A7F063938BA42CFA724
output: [GNUPG:] NO_PUBKEY 063938BA42CFA724

I have imported all the keys and set the trust level to ultimate.