I have wondered for some time whether or not my keyboard stream to one VM is isolated from other VMs which are open at the same time. IMHO It would make sense from an architectural standpoint that keyboard / mouse input streams are completely isolated from one another inter-VM because to the best of my knowledge separate X servers are being run in each VM and are attached and detached to and from dynamically by the usb proxy. I tried looking through the docs for this and I assume the answer is there either clearly or in an implied sense but I could not find it.
Some of your answers are here:
Also here:
This also seems relevant: The Linux Security Circus: On GUI isolation | The Invisible Things Blog
GUI virtualization doc contains: “Note that keyboard and mouse events are passed to AppVM only if a window belonging to this AppVM has focus. AppVM has no way to get information on keystrokes fed to other AppVMs (e.g. XTEST extension will report the status of local AppVM keyboard only) or synthesize and pass events to other AppVMs.”. Thanks for the link.
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This was an interesting read and contains the same info as the docs regarding my question, thank you.
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A fascinating insight into (I guess) the origins of Qubes. Thank you.