QubesOS disables hyperthreading by default mostly because of this. CPUs that are affected are 6th generation Intel® Core™ processors, 7th generation Intel® Core™ processors, 8th generation Intel® Core™ processors, Intel® Xeon® Processor E3 v5 Family, Intel® Xeon® Processor E3 v6 Family
. Only Intel processors are affected according to QSB. From my research, in CVEs: here, here and here there are lists of affected CPUs.
If I cannot find my specific Intel CPU on that lists, is my CPU affected and can I safely enable Intel Hyperthreading? There are some 7th, 8th, 6th gen CPUs that I couldn’t find on that lists, too. Also I saw a thread of someone asking about enabling that feature on 12th gen Intel CPU but it seems that CPUs above 8th gen aren’t affected.
Quote from QSB-43:
However, we believe there is a risk
that similar issues will be discovered in the future, and that having
hyper-threading disabled may mitigate those issues, as it does this one.
Therefore, we recommend that most users leave hyper-threading disabled
regardless of whether they use HVM qubes.
For example:
The following XSAs do not affect the security of Qubes OS, and no user action is necessary:
- XSA-426 (SMT is disabled in Qubes OS by default)
In case anyone is wondering what would be needed to enable
again, the answer is a secrets-free hypervisor. Patches for Xen would be appreciated.
Thank you for responding, but it doesn’t answer my question. You just posted a few links that are related to the topic to some lower degree. Like “I’ll leave it here, and you draw your conclusions”. I asked if I can safely enable Intel Hyperthreading since I do not see my CPU on lists in linked CVEs. Also I am not asking how to enable this feature.
You can’t enable HT without risk, you have to decide for yourself if the extra CPU performance is worth it, but keep in mind it is not 100% extra it’s more like 15-20%
Unless you are a casual Qubes OS user, or you fully understand the risk, you shouldn’t enable HT.
There were vulnerabilities in Intel 12th gen CPUs related to the hyper-threading e.g.:
You can see the list of all reported issues here:
So it may be safe to enable the SMT today but you may be vulnerable tomorrow.