Installling qubes on steamdeck

I am trying to install qubes in the Steamdeck. I watched a youtube video where you can install another os. And I thought that it would be great to have it completely portable.

I tried it and i had two problems. And i am wondering if someone has try it before or if i can get some help to do it.

In the steamdeck you can start the bootloader
And start the installation. But you can only see half of the screen set up. So i connected it to a tv through the hdmi. The result was quite weird.
With the steamdeck connected you can see half of the screen on the deck and the other half on the tv. I could manage to start the setup but the second problem was that the setup only recognise the internal ssd which is pretty big to suport both os . But i could not make a partition disk. So i have to questions:
1.- is there a chance to reduce the size of the secreen before the setup? I am asking because i think you can start some sort of terminal in the menu installation.

2._ how can i make a partition disk to install another os there?


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Steam deck screen is weird, it’s oriented horizontally so until you configure the OS it won’t display correctly. No idea why the external screen is displaying half of it though.

I’m not sure the Deck CPU has virtualization instructions, running Qubes OS on it seems quite inefficient, especially since the deck doesn’t have much RAM. Running a linux system on it is already a bit of a pain, so Qubes OS will be even more pain.

Partition will be managed during Qubes OS installation. You can leave some free space for another OS.

I guess it should be possible to enable it in BIOS:


    • Must be enabled in BIOS. By default cmdline has amd_iommu=off, which must be deleted/set to on or force.

What do you mean specifically?
Is there some error when you try to partition it?

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I like your effort :slight_smile:
Maybe qubes will become like doom one day and people will install it on their graphical calculators, provided the calculator supports virtualization :slight_smile:

If you can get it running PLEASE post screenshots :))))

This is the steamdeck specs:

CPU: Zen 2 4c/8t, 2.4-3.5GHz (up to 448 GFlops FP32)

GPU: 8 RDNA 2 CUs, 1.6GHz (1.6 TFlops FP32)
APU power: 4-15W

RAM 16 GB LPDDR5 on-board RAM (6400 MT/s quad 32-bit channels)

Operating System
SteamOS 3 (Arch-based)

My computer has 32 gb but i think 16gb is not too bad. About the native os is arch based which i think is based on linux. For that reason i thought i could install it

I did not try it. I saw that there are some options about where you want to install it.but when i was ready to select the instalation on the internal ssd , i realised that i might brick it. I ried to use it as usual. But after refreshing several times the system did not recognise the micro sd card where i wanted to install it. For that reason i wanted to know if someone had made partition before.

I’m not sure you can boot on the sd card anyway. There should be no reasons to brick your device if you format the disk. I did format my deck disk a lot of time to experiment with it, if you want to go back to its original OS you can download and install it really easily.

If i do it you can count on that. But i thought that it would be interesting because you would be able to take everything with you, without taking too many devices. And i know what you are going to say. You have to admit that a steamdeck is much smaller than a laptop. And because of the flight company restrictions about weight luggage. The smaller it is the device the cheaper will be the ticket price

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if you are paranoid enough to run qubes i’m surprised you trust them with your hardware :wink: I never fly my devices in a suitcase, always hand luggage.

I totally agree with you about the hold of the plane. But there are air companies which charge you extra if you want to take a hand luggage with you and leave it in the cabin above your head. And sometimes the difference is quite big. So as i said the smaller the merrier. Because i do not want to take too many devices with me. I prefer leaving room for more stuff to taking so many devices .