Installing Nvidia proprietary driver on dom0

I’m currently using latest qubes dom0 kernel 5.8.16-1 with xorg-x11-drv-nouveau-1.0.16-4. My GTX 1060 is somewhat working(redering is working fine) but if I switch to another workspaces it crashes and show afterimage similar to lock screen. (sometimes it shows closed application of other workspace) I have no idea but to use intel integrated GPU not to show this issue. Has anyone successfully installed Nvidia proprietary driver on dom0? I need Nvidia GPU for multi-monitors and maintenance issue with other OS. I have to physically remove hdmi cable and plug into Nvidia when using other OS everytime I have to use it.

p.s Please don’t note me about security problem of dual booting since I physically plug off drive when not using it. I’ve never experienced any security nor boot corruption issue when using this method.