"Installing blackarch" has outdated instructions

Here are some things I had to do in order to install blackarch in a template.

The instructions call for installing fedora-30-minimal. To get networking I had to install these in fedora-30-minimal:

dnf -y install qubes-core-agent-networking qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root qubes-mgmt-salt-vm-connector.

Step 4 calls for wget which I had to install:

dnf -y install wget

add networking to blackarch after you create it (in Qube setting).

SHA1 sum for strap.sh is has changed to d062038042c5f141755ea39dbd615e6ff9e23121

The instructions have an older SHA1 sum.

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Feel free to propose a correction by clicking the :pencil2: on the above linked page.

edit: it may also need to be changed from fedora-30 to fedora-32 as the former has now reached EOL (end of life).


Please do keep in mind those are the community docs. And as a volunteer-lead effort don’t / can’t always have the same dedication the official ones. It’s based on improvements by people like you that they improve.

Adding network to a TemplateVM is discouraged. A better way to do it is to use the already-configured updates proxy.


Thanks. I will look into this.

Is it expected that blackarch should be a template VM?

The next step is to create a qube from this template, to actually work with?


I haven’t read those particular docs, but generally yes. The software itself is installed on a templateVM but not started there. What you do typically is then create an AppVM based on that TemplateVM and that’s where you run the programs. You can read more here: