Installing a browser extension like uBlock Origin for firefox so it is available in all app qubes based on a specific template

Continuing the discussion from Installing Software in Qubes (all methods):

How would you go about installing something like a browser extension like uBlock Origin for firefox so it is available in all appqubes based on a specific template?

user64 via Qubes OS Forum writes:

How would you go about installing something like a browser extension like uBlock
Origin for firefox so it is available in all appqubes based on a specific
template but installing it requires internet access?

In the case of firefox, you can delay the installation of addons via a

Prago has previously shared his salt recipes with such method :

With this method, the AppVM is configured by the template to download or
update the addons as soon as firefox start.

uBlock Origin can even be configured further from the template, (see
their wiki about managed storage).

Alternatively you could download via a proxy, in the template, the .xpi
files of your firefox addons and try to install them system-wide (maybe
in /usr/lib/firefox-esr/browser/features/ on debian ?idk)

But I wouldn’t recommend this : you would also had to worry about the
addons being up to date.

I forgot to mention a simpler solution :

Debian package a number of web extensions via apt.

sudo apt search '^webext'

Ublock origin is packaged :

sudo apt install webext-ublock-origin-firefox

In this case the addon, I suppose the addon to update at the pace of the debian package.