Installation Troubles - Templates Won’t Show at Install

Hey guys, as my profile says, I am a tech enthusiast but by no means an expert. I taught myself Linux, Terminal and Python as a way to take back control over how I choose to use my data. Now, the issue.

With a few days worth of troubleshooting, I was finally able to get what I believe is a clean, fully verifier and properly imaged install medium of Qubes 4.1.1 onto a USB. I have saved all my Terminal script if it will help. My issue is, that no matter what I do, I cannot get the Whonix and Debian templates to show up at the install screen and I cannot figure out why. I checked GitHub and scoured here but couldn’t find something that was exactly the problem I was having. I’ll attach the photos that show my issue and I can append the Terminal code from the verification process if needed.

Big shout out to the post that showed me the proper DD Terminal input to flash the USB. No really, you rock.
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Turns out I was using the wrong verbiage and perhaps this post may solve my issue. Stay tuned.

I am only now realising that my pictures did not post earlier. I am still running into an issue it seems with installing. I cannot get past that initial setup screen. Does it matter than I am installing Qubes onto a partition of my SSD NVMe. If the partition is free space, shouldn’t it automatically allocate what is needed?

Here is my terminal script and system information: