Trying to get Qubes 4.2.4 installed with a usb system and it keeps stuffing me around.
I do the install, set everything up…
I reboot to the system configuration…
I select the one template to install and then I tell it to set up the USB system and uncheck everything else…
Essentially I have 2 checkboxes checked… .
1: Debian Template
2: Set up Qubes USB guest.
no other checkboxes are checked.
When I click on the QUBES button for the configuration after I save the configuration, the “allow keyboards” checkbox is checked again… so I uncheck it and save… and again and again…
So I uncheck it and save, then tell it to finish the configuration…
And then the keyboard and mouse are working in Domain-0 against my specifications…
I am using USB keyboard and mouse during installation, yes.
I don’t have a PS/2 KBD/MSE at the moment to use.
I literally just want it to have it all working the way it is supposed to. I find it weird that the system would make a decision that I told it not to do during the install.
I don’t know what is so special about me that I find all these bugs.
Maybe it’s my background as a bug tester / bug finder ?
Bugs are attracted to me?
It is working exactly the way it is supposed to when you have USB
devices at install. The decision you want to make has the potential to
lock you out of your device.
Nor me, but you certainly seem to be a special case.
Is that you, Drew?
I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.