Install Network (IP) printer

Hi to All,

I want to install a network- IP based - printer, which should be accessed by all Qubes Apps. What is the best strategie resp. way to achieve this ?
Installation inside the gnome environment is impossible.

Many thanks for your kind and comprehensive advice.

Reagrds, hitam

It’d be very insecure if you connect all your qubes to the network printer.
It’d be better to do print from your qubes like this:

i only want to print from a very few AppVms only…like the OfficeVM and SoftwareVM.

If you have a printer qube, you could “print as a PDF” in all your qubes, move the PDF file to the printer qube and print it from there

Thank you for your kind input - at the moment i am more confused what to do, rather then decided on how to implement the IP printer s a central device.

I found in the Community docs a comprehensive installation gide for an IPP printer. I will implement ist and will come back.

regards, Hitam

Such a Printer Qube should ready availabe after installation of the qubes System to make it more userfrienly.

The same with a VPN Wireguard Qube, whereas the user only has to input his credentals to get up and running immediately.

If you have an IPP printer you might want to try this: Setup a WLAN / LAN Printer IPP Everywhere™

With that you will have a dedicated printer templateVM and a corresponding printer appVM. To keep things easy, you can simple copy any file i.e. PDF to this printer appVM (right-click on the file in the file browser; see Video tours | Qubes OS time: 5:00)

If you want more you should follow Install Network (IP) printer - #2 by apparatus suggestion.