Indicate whether a post: Privacy, Security, or Anonymity

Perhaps a place for a Character,
P or S or A, and then there is, sometimes a extra concern about Security, plus Anonymity if the post has the potential to cause physical harm to someone.

I began to notice, after Solene wrote that we might do a poll about whether Qubes should be about Privacy or Security. That sometimes I see discussions where it is apparent the individuals have different views of what they are trying to achieve while using Qubes OS.

Make it more clear to newcomers as to what decisions they might need to fit their - “Personal Threat Level.” Although one could argue, nearly anyone’s “Personal Threat Level” is worse than the individual realizes.

Like discussions about how concerned one should be about compromised hardware, compromised software. When writing about Privacy rather than Security.

Someone could write better definitions about what these categories should be.


Just for information: there are “privacy” and “security” tags. They are often left unused or forgotten when people arrange their posts though, me included)

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