I want to create proton vpn Qube

Thank you your kindness. I confirm Fedora Version. tThiis version is Fedora36. I think My Qubes is Qubes OS 4.1. And, my annon-whonix Qube basically work only sys-whonix. For example I can not connect internet, use sys-firewall as net qube. I think thiis is annon-whonix problem or specification. sorry my English.

For Qubes OS 4.1 you need to use iptables instead:

sudo iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu

thank you. I tried this code. But, nothing happened . The line just went down.

It means that the rule was applied successfully.
Test the network connection to see if this fixed the problem with unreliable websites loading.


I started annon-whonix and tried to connect to the Internet, but if NETQube was VPNQube, I still could not connect to the Internet. I tried restarting the computer in case the settings were not reflected, but that didn’t work.

Did you set anon-whonix netvm to sys-vpn? You must set netvm of qubes based on whonix-workstation template only to qubes based on whonix-gateway template.


I am setting anon-whonix netvm to sys-vpn. No other settings are touched. Does that mean I need to configure something else?

Do you want to connect to VPN before Tor for Whonix Workstation? Then see this:

Do you want to use Whonix Workstation without Tor using VPN qube as its netvm? It’s not supported.

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No, I want to use both(torsystem and vpn) on whonix Qube. Tiis is possible ? And, sorry I can not open the URL. I do not know why I can not open.

Open the link using Tor Browser or you can use this link in clearnet:

Read about different network configurations for Whonix here:

thank you. I `ll read it.