I can`t open Textmaker 2018 in AppVM work

I installed Softmaker Office 2018 in Fedora Linux 34 using the terminal as described in https://softmaker.de/tipps-linux. I used the following commands:
sudo wget -qO /etc/yum.repos.d/softmaker.repo https://shop.softmaker.com/repo/softmaker.repo
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install softmaker-office-2018

The installation was successful in the terminal. But now I have the problem that I cannot start Textmaker 2018 graphically in my AppVMs like for example “work”. In my template VM fedora 34 it is possible to start the software. In Qubes OS 4.0.4 I used Textmaker since 2018 successfully. So please tell me the terminal command I can use to start Textmaker 2018.
Please help me.

Thank you very much.

Stay healthy & safe.

Best Knut by Walter