How to transfer files to windows

i have gimp installed in my windows qubes. I want to edit some images using gimp however the images are stored in my vault. Is There any way to transfer files from vault to windows? if not what is an alternative?

you can install gimp in a qube, copy the file from the vault to that qube, edit the picture, move it back to the vault

can this be done with my windows standalone qube? if not what qube should i use and how to install. appreciate any feedback

Oh sorry, I didn’t get that Windows was in a qube, I thought there was a dual boot.

I think the file copy between qubes work with Windows, but there is something to enable or install on the windows qube. I don’t remember what exactly and I do not use Windows.

ok thanks for your input

You can use the gimp in your Linux qubes.
Just install it in the template e.g. for Debian:

sudo apt install gimp

or for Fedora

sudo dnf install gimp

ok will try this and see how it goes

first i opened qubes application menu and go to templates and opened the debian-12-xfce terminal and run ‘sudo apt install gimp’, this command runs and seems that it was installed.

I then go to qubes manager and created an cube based on debian-12-xfce and added the application of gimp in the settings menu. however when i go to apps from the qubes application menu and click to start gimp for the cube i created nothing happens. can you please help

Did you the shutdown debian-12-xfce after installing gimp there?
It’s required and specifically stated in the guide:

  1. Shut down the template.

You’ll also have to restart the new qube that you’ve created after shutting down the template if it’s running as stated in the guide.

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thank you . i feel so stupid but learning has its pros and cons and thank you for being patient