How to setup an appVM on an external drive?

Who knows?

You say you have the “exact same error” but you dont tell us what
command you have run or what the error is.
(The error you say you have relates to an unencrypted drive. That
cant be the same as yours.)

Tell us exact;y what you have done and exactly what error you

Everything in the guide works up to that point.

Thank you for giving the detail that I asked for.

What is the command you are running?
What is the content of /dev/mapper?

I gave this another test with a fresh drive.

I’m testing with sys-usb installed.

The problem is I can’t attach the drive to dom0, to do encrypt operation:

sudo cryptsetup luksFormat --hash=sha512 --key-size=512 --cipher=aes-xts-plain64 --verify-passphrase /dev/sdb

fdisk -l doesn’t show the drive.

I could always attach the drive to another qube and format it… but then we are back to the same problem when trying to setup the vm-pool.

The essence of the problem is giving dom0 access to the drive. I’m not sure how that works with sys-usb?

Could you do the LUKS decryption on another VM (one dedicated to that purpose) and pass the loop to dom0?

What I’m trying to do though, is setup the qubes to work with or without the VC encryption engaged.
If I can setup the qube to run on an external hd vm-pool that gives me the flexibility for the architecture I’m going after.

It doesnt.