How to safe install .deksktop file (Zoterro) in qubes OS

Hi, I am kind of new to linux and qubes os and want to install Zoterro for managing my papers. Unluckily the only way (I know) is to download it from there offical website ( Zotero | Downloads), then unpack it.
In the unpacked file there is only a .dektop file, which I can execute and then install it via the Zoterro gui.
I know that I need a new/copied template of my main fedora-39-xfe, because the website is not a trusted source. But after installing it via the .desktop file, Zoterro does not appear in my application list, what did I do wrong?

If you’ve followed the official guide and created zotero.desktop symlink in the user directory in the template like this:

  • Symlink zotero.desktop into ~/.local/share/applications/ (e.g., ln -s /opt/zotero/zotero.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/zotero.desktop)

Then it’s expected because the template user directory is not used in the app qubes based on this template:

Whenever an app qube is created, the contents of the /home directory of its parent template are not copied to the child app qube’s /home. The child app qube’s /home is always independent from its parent template’s /home, which means that any subsequent changes to the parent template’s /home will not affect the child app qube’s /home.

sudo ln -s /opt/zotero/zotero.desktop /usr/share/applications/zotero.desktop

So create the symlink in the /usr/share/applications/ directory in template instead:

Hi thanks, I did not know that the offical tarball guide also works for fedora-39-xfe, thank you.
I downloaded the file, extracted it, moved it into /opt/zotero folder, went to the folder via terminal via cd, then I wanted to run the ./set_launcher_icon script, but nothing happens, I checked via ls /opt/zotero if the .desktop file is in this place and it is, also I runned:
ls -ld /opt/zotero

drwxr-xr-x. 12 user user 4096 Jul 22 15:22 /opt/zotero

to check the permissions, then I checked if the .desktop file can be read correctly via application menu via : desktop-file-validate /usr/share/applications/zotero.desktop, the answer was: [user@fedora-39-xfce-promotion ~]$ desktop-file-validate /usr/share/applications/zotero.desktop
/usr/share/applications/zotero.desktop: error: value “bash -c “$(dirname $(realpath $(echo %k | sed -e ‘s/^file:////’)))/zotero -url %U”” for key “Exec” in group “Desktop Entry” contains a non-escaped character ‘$’ in a quote, but it should be escaped with two backslashes (“\$”)
/usr/share/applications/zotero.desktop: error: value “bash -c “$(dirname $(realpath $(echo %k | sed -e ‘s/^file:////’)))/zotero -url %U”” for key “Exec” in group “Desktop Entry” contains a non-escaped character ‘$’ in a quote, but it should be escaped with two backslashes (“\$”)
/usr/share/applications/zotero.desktop: error: value “bash -c “$(dirname $(realpath $(echo %k | sed -e ‘s/^file:////’)))/zotero -url %U”” for key “Exec” in group “Desktop Entry” contains a non-escaped character ‘$’ in a quote, but it should be escaped with two backslashes (“\$”)

I tried this to solve the issue:
sudo sed -i ‘s/$/\$/g’ /usr/share/applications/zotero.desktop
then runned : desktop-file-validate /usr/share/applications/zotero.desktop,

no error occured

so I did: sudo update-desktop-database

restarted my template, but there still was no zoterro in applications menue

then I refreshed the applications menue and it appeared…

Did you refresh the applications list in the fedora-39-xfe Settings → Applications tab?

no… it worked

I successfully installed Zoterro using flatpak in a standalone debian vm. I believe flatpak is included in fedora-39-xfce, so it should be a simple install. The flatpak command is:

flatpak install flathub org.zotero.Zotero

Also good to consult a community guide on using flatpak with qubes, such as

Hi ephile, how did you connect ypur zotero to your libre office? I checked java and JRE is also installed, but zotero can not connect to libre office

Scroll to Linux section:

In my own Zotero .desktop file, I found it easier to simply add the real path the the zotero execution file. This seemed to solve all the issues I was having with Zotero appearing in the menu, and then one doesn’t have to run the desktop setup file.

I wish I could be of more help, but I don’t recall how I achieved integration with libreoffice. I can verify that it is working in my Debian 12 install though. Here’s another link that might be helpful. My extension is in the same location (/var/lib/flatpak/app/):

try installing libreoffice-java-common