How to rename fedora-37?

I’m trying to organize all my VMs, and I need to rename fedora-37 to “t-fedora-37” but my sys-usb is reliant on it… of which I don’t have a PS/2 keyboard/mouse, nor can I get one super easily (due to being on SSI…); how can I rename it? To do so, I need all that rely on it to be closed – I suppose I could run a script, but I’m not good enough at qubes to know how to

running R4.2

Fedora 37 is EOL, you need to upgrade to Fedora 38 first.
Choose a way to upgrade (in-place or download new template).
Are you using a disposable sys-usb? What’s the template name next to sys-usb in Qubes Manager?

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I’m not using a disposable sys-usb, no. i decided against it due to specific reasons. that said, i know it makes it harder. I’ve already renamed fedora 38, so I’ll do the in-place upgrade - could you link it please? i can’t seem to find it atm.

ah my bad, you just did

After upgrading to Fedora 38, clone the template to the name you want and use this in a dom0 terminal to switch the sys-usb template:

# Use the correct template name, I used what you provided in your main post
qvm-shutdown sys-usb --wait; qvm-prefs sys-usb template t-fedora-38; qvm-start sys-usb

When finished, switch the other qubes to the new template and remove the old one.


will do. many thanks friend

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I’ve marked @DVM’s post as the solution @NovumGain, it’s something you can do by using the button with a “checked box” icon below any post. That marks the tooic as solved, and highlights the solution in the first port to make it easier for people with the same question to find the answer. :slightly_smiling_face:

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alright, thank you!