How to recognize a second screen in a minimal template


I’m interested in installing LibreOffice on a minimal Debian 12 template. However, I’ve encountered an issue where LibreOffice doesn’t detect the second screen.

When I utilize the standard Debian 12-XFce Template and run LibreOffice there, the second screen is recognized for LibreOffice Impress.

Now, I’m wondering which package might be missing in the minimal Debian template for Qubes to recognize the second screen.


what’s the output of xrandr -q in both cases?

Debian 12-XFce Template

user@localhost:~$ xrandr -q
Screen 0: minimum 64 x 64, current 5760 x 2160, maximum 32767 x 32767
DUMMY0 connected primary 1920x1080+3840+1080 325mm x 182mm
   QB5760x2160   23.10 +
   QB1920x1080   59.96* 
DUMMY1 connected 3840x2160+0+0 650mm x 365mm
   QB5760x2160   23.10 +
   QB3840x2160   59.98* 
DUMMY2 disconnected
DUMMY3 disconnected
DUMMY4 disconnected
DUMMY5 disconnected
DUMMY6 disconnected
DUMMY7 disconnected
DUMMY8 disconnected
DUMMY9 disconnected
DUMMY10 disconnected
DUMMY11 disconnected
DUMMY12 disconnected
DUMMY13 disconnected
DUMMY14 disconnected
DUMMY15 disconnected

Debian 12 Minimal Template

user@Test-Xfce:~$ xrandr -q
Screen 0: minimum 64 x 64, current 5760 x 2160, maximum 32767 x 32767
DUMMY0 connected primary 5760x2160+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   QB5760x2160   23.10*+
DUMMY1 disconnected
DUMMY2 disconnected
DUMMY3 disconnected
DUMMY4 disconnected
DUMMY5 disconnected
DUMMY6 disconnected
DUMMY7 disconnected
DUMMY8 disconnected
DUMMY9 disconnected
DUMMY10 disconnected
DUMMY11 disconnected
DUMMY12 disconnected
DUMMY13 disconnected
DUMMY14 disconnected
DUMMY15 disconnected
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You are probably missing the xcvt package, which is used by the qubes.SetMonitorLayout qrexec service to set the monitors according to how they are set in dom0.


Thanks, that was the solution, it works.

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Shouldn’t this be added by default to minimal templates?

I would say that it should be a dependency of qubes-gui-agent, since the monitor layout script depends on it to work properly.

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