How to make isolated env for qubes

I am running a windows and linux qube connected to firewall-clone, I want them isolated and them being able to ping each other. So far i can only make windows ping ubuntu but not the other way around.
sudo nft add rule ip qubes custom-forward ip saddr <IP address of A> ip daddr <IP address of B> ct state new,established,related counter accept` I have run this command two times with swapped adresses but I suspect that the problem is with this command `sudo nft add rule qubes custom-input ip saddr <IP address of A> ct state new,established,related counter accept
I never have executed this command because it always returns an error. ERROR could not process rule no such file or directory
sudo nft add rule qubes custom-input ip saddr <IP address of A> ct state new,established,related counter accept ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Any help is appreciated.

welcome to qubes :slight_smile:

can you please reformat your post and use code blocks:


You can use “```” to start and end a code block.

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Thanks i did not know

By default, Windows firewall block icmp protocol, so ping doesn’t work. You may have done everything right, except configuring Windows firewall.

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This is an issue with qubes

I think it is not.
It is a feature of Windows.Windows Defender’s firewall should block ICMP Echo requests (ping) unless you have explicitly allowed them.
On the Windows qube, check Windows Defender Firewall settings and Network
Adapter settings for settings related to ICMP.

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.

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How can i configure it ?

Thanks to all you I found out how to do it, i will share to complete the thread. A way I found out how to unblock requests is by opening a rooted powershell window and running this command

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ICMP Allow incoming V4 exho request" protocol=icmpv4:8, any dir=in action=allow

Thanks to everybody who helped!

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