How to hide the fact that I'm Qubes OS from Telegram

The exact phrase, no, but if you read these pages, it’s pretty clear from the context that this is what it is.

Qubes issue:

Once/if that issue is fixed in Qubes, progress can be made. Otherwise, not.


Will this method not help to do all you said? And if I set utc in dom0 it will not set utc in non-whonix qubes? And what if clocksync service will be turned on in sys-net? Will it set time back to my current time zone?

What “method”? The link provided by you describes a basic single command to set timezone in a single qube, dom0 or any Linux machine. How can a single command replace what I said about changing rc.local on per-qube basis?

In /rw/config/rc.local user can change timezone to any they like with this:
timedatectl set-timezone "TIMEZONE"
Sudo is not needed, this script is run by root.

I will be UTC as in dom0 by default, unless you add a command to change it (per qube) as I described earlier. That is the point of my approach, that by default all qubes, including whonix will finally see only UTC timezone.

The sync will work properly everywhere. Also sync is about time, not timezone.

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I tried to open that file in dom0 with nano and it said that there is no such directory as “rw/config/”. Then I googled and found out that this is some script that runs commands on system start and since I have no full understanding of how it works I decided that I better should not touch it in order do not do something wrong with system.
Could you create on this forum a little step by step guide of how to do what you did to prevent time zone leaks to other qubes? It would really help all the newbies and they’d know they’re doing everything right.

It is not in dom0, but in any qube. By default it is empty (has only comments). Changing this script to run something on qube start is a recommended practice.

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Tried on a single qube and it doesn’t work (after its restart). Maybe my command was wrong? Entered timedatectl set-timezone 'UTC' After it failed first time uncommented the first line !/bin/sh thinking this is the reason why script doesn’t work. Didn’t help.
Maybe it is necessary first specify UTC time zone in dom0? But if so then why do any manipulation of the qubes at all? Maybe it should be some specific qubes, like templates? Tried write UTC with and without quotes, with !/bin/sh commented and uncommented. Used nano for editing and it really needs sudo. Without it it doesn’t allow to save changes in rc.local

OK, I set timezone in dom0 to UTC and all qubes after qubesdb-read /timezone now see UTC timezone. But, again, I don’t understand for what to do any manipulations to rc.local in qubes if they see UTC anyway when it is set in dom0? Especially since these manipulations don’t work if in dom0 set other timezone.

You do not need to do anything in qubes if UTC is fine for your. But you can add command to rc.local in some qubes with your local timezone (not UTC), if you want your email client, messanger, or even filesystem to show the local time. Otherwise in all qubes you will see UTC.

Anyway it still doesn’t work. In both directions: UTC dom0 - not UTC qubes / not UTC dom0 - UTC qubes. Editing rc.local just doesn’t change anything. I used right command: timedatectl set-timezone UTC. Anyway setting UTC in dom0 solved that problem with timezone leak.
By the way, is there a way to set local time on the panel so there would be local time instead of UTC in dom0? There is only possibility to change timezone but not exact time.


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I just realized that you didn’t mean that this will fix timezone leakage. You just meant that it changes timezone displayed in qube itself. But I had no possibility to check it so didn’t know if it worked. Sorry.