How to hide the fact that I'm Qubes OS from Telegram

Duplicate of:

Whonix hides my real IP, but in all my telegram accounts it says I’m using Qubes OS, doesn’t look good.

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Thanks, but I’ve seen this thread, I really didn’t understand what needs to be done, that’s why I created this thread

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What exactly is wrong with displaying “Qubes OS”? It’s just a name and doesn’t reveal anything unique. Like I said, you can hide that part, but you won’t be able to hide everything that can identify Qubes. If Telegram checks for them, they will know you are using Qubes anyway.

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For example, not too many people use Qubes OS. Btw thanks for answer and how I can hide this part?

Have you tried this part of the discussion?

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Yea, I’m just trying right now and testing it.

systemctl --user start wmname.service 
Job for wmname.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl --user status wmname.service" and "journalctl --user -xeu wmname.service" for details.
zsh: exit 1     systemctl --user start wmname.service

systemctl --user status wmname.service
× wmname.service - Change WM name
     Loaded: loaded (/home/user/.config/systemd/user/wmname.service; enabled; p>
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2023-12-17 22:33:27 UTC; 17s >
    Process: 1981 ExecStart=/usr/bin/xprop -id 0x400002 -format _NET_WM_NAME 8u>
   Main PID: 1981 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
        CPU: 3ms

Dec 17 22:33:27 host systemd[822]: Starting wmname.service - Change WM name...
Dec 17 22:33:27 host xprop[1981]: /usr/bin/xprop:  unable to open display ''
Dec 17 22:33:27 host systemd[822]: wmname.service: Main process exited, code=ex>
Dec 17 22:33:27 host systemd[822]: wmname.service: Failed with result 'exit-cod>
Dec 17 22:33:27 host systemd[822]: Failed to start wmname.service - Change WM n>
lines 1-12/12 (END)
zsh: interrupt  systemctl --user status wmname.service

Can you share what’s in the service file?

In wmname.service

Description=Change WM name

ExecStart=/usr/bin/xprop -id 0x400002 -format _NET_WM_NAME 8u -set _NET_WM_NAME 'dwm'


Replace the Environment line with this:


Reload, start again and test:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user start wmname.service
xprop -id 0x400002 _NET_WM_NAME
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Yes, that works, thanks, but it still says in telegram that I’m using Qubes OS

Not sure how Telegram works with this, but you may need to re-register the device to update its name.

What do you mean about re-registering my device. Where?

Redoing the device linking steps with the phone.
Also, can’t you rename the device in the desktop app?

I don’t have phone from all my accounts :smiley:
I can rename just device name, but it’s not system version. I’m talkin about system version in telegram


If what you’ve done doesn’t work, I don’t really know what else to do. It looks like the name that Qubes uses for a lot of dependencies in the system. Not sure if there’s an easy way to spoof it without breaking the system.

Well, it kind of does. Qubes OS is used so rare, it can make user almost unique. Especially if you limit the choice with connection info, country, screen size and etc. All that is available to any app in every online qube.

I would even not exclude the possibility, that there are countries that have only 0-1 actual users of Qubes OS. It makes them completely unique.

I think it is a design problem. Qubes OS is about security, not privacy. So, privacy in Qubes OS not good at all. All applications in qubes can get information in million ways that they not simply run in the Xen but on Qubes OS. qvm-copy still reveals on each copy process the source qubes names to the target qubes and all their applications, for no reason. Even hostname in the qube is the same as qube’s name (instead of general or random or something else).

Major design problem/flaw for privacy.

P.S. Whonix is helping with privacy but it is targeting mostly the different problems: like TOR connection with no leaks, security of something running in the browser sandbox. It probably does not help much against application that run in the qube.


I agree about the uniqueness of the name and the pool size of users using it. But as I said and as you confirmed, Qubes can be detected in many different ways.

Qubes is security based while Whonix is privacy based. I guess it’s up to Whonix to change that or work with the Qubes team to limit the amount of uniqueness that Qubes provides within Qubes-Whonix. Unfortunately, that would change a lot and would most likely make it difficult to maintain between classic Qubes and Qubes-Whonix.

While the pool size is smaller, since it includes both Qubes and Whonix instead of just Whonix, it’s still better than nothing. Also, Qubes-Whonix is installed and used by different people in different countries, which at this level is kind of enough (imo) to blend in properly (depending on what you do, of course).

From statistics, we are about ~40k people using Qubes, and a few thousand using Tor (most likely Whonix) in Qubes.

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