How to handle 2FA forcing scanning QR codes?

So far I’ve been avoiding these and using oathtool, but now I’m stuck on a site that changed they way they do 2FA and I have to scan a QR code. How is everyone handling this? I have no interest in using a proprietary app on another device I’m probably going to be getting rid of soon. What apps for Fedora/Debian can be used to scan QR from the camera and screenshot? The only one I found (Authy) is also proprietary and I haven’t figured out how to get it to run on Qubes.

Generally, there’s an option to get an alphanumeric code instead of the QR code. Sometimes it’s a very small, almost hidden link somewhere on the page. I don’t think I’ve encountered a standards-compliant TOTP service that doesn’t offer such a code in addition to the QR code.

Did you find any solution to this? There is a terminal thing I’m using that that only prints a QR code, and no way to get the code. I’ve looked there are various apps I can upload a picture from another device. But I don’t want to upload my seed to a random server.

I think I tried an app called “cobang” in a debian template, but trying to use it to scan 3 different pictures it couldn’t recognize any of the pictures, so I just gave up.

Maybe you will have better luck, I got the instructions here:

You could use QR code scanner app like Binary Eye to scan the TOTP QR code to get the secret.

I ended up using an addon for Firefox. I think it was this one: QRCode Scanner – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)