How to get back old qubes device applet / tray icon?

How can I get it back, dislike the new one… (doesn’t show drive size and is way to big etc…)

it’s a real pain to mount (multiple luks drives) pls send help

Is it just removing/installing a package in the fedora template?

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If Qubes Devices app (qui-devices) was a separate package then you could’ve downgraded just this package but this app is a part of qubes-desktop-linux-manager package that is responsible for all Qubes related GUI apps and downgrading it will downgrade all the GUI apps.
Maybe you can try to download the old qubes-desktop-linux-manager package, extract it and replace just the /usr/bin/qui-devices file. But I’m not sure that this will work.
I think it’s better to open an issue on github and describe your problems with new Qubes Devices app so that devs could consider to make changes to the new Qubes Devices app based on users feedback.

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/usr/bin/qui-devices is just a python script that is calling devices widget from another python file /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/qui/devices/ so you can try to replace it instead.

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