How to get back level of trust of plain text files

I previously created plain text files in an network-isolated AppVM. That
AppVM had everything there: from personal-created files (that should have
ultimate trust) to downloaded-from-untrusted-sources files (that should have
least trust,) sadly. But now as I’ve decided to separate them, I want to see
if I can give ultimate trust again to those plain text files.

Keep in mind that, thankfully, all my needed files are already plain

I’ve thought like: Create a new (clean/trusted) AppVM based on a clean
trusted minimal template. Copy the plain text files there. Run cat on
them, and as long as there are no non-ASCII, we’re good. Of course this is
really stupid, but you get the point: How can I do that without this
stupid-ness? (of course, I don’t have problem with being stupid, it’s just
that they are many files and have many content (although not at all any file
has more than like 100 lines, and all the files are not exceeding the 100
file either.))

So basically, someone had some plain text files in some dirty-party AppVM
(AppVM where all files, from the ultimate trust personal-created plain text
files to the least trust downloaded-from-untrusted-places files, were
processed there,) and now that someone wants to get back the level of
trust, that ultimate level of trust
that is normally given to
personally-created plain text files assuming they’re created in a clean
(i.e. not compromised) VM.