How to get a Template Clone to be Online

I have cloned a Template yet the cloned Template remains greyed out in settings thus i can not get it to go online, please can someone kindly advise me how to sort it?

I did manage to change the Net Qube to the sys.firewall yet the Template option remains greyed out, even after a shut down and restart of the said VM.

I do have many other VM Qubes online but i have never Cloned from a Template before, this is my 1st time.


I’m sorry but I’m not sure to understand what you are trying to achieve.

You say the cloned template remains greye out in settings:

  • which qube’s settings?
  • which tab in the settings?
  • which field is greyed out?

If you do want to connect your template to the Internet, it is a rather bad idea and is discouraged (although there is no mechanism to prevent you from doing so). Maybe we could help you doing what you want in the template without connecting it to a netvm?

Hi there Solene,
I seem to of added confusion here, all i tried to do was spin up a new VM Qube yet to do so i 1st Cloned an existing (offline) Template and the now new Cloned Template i now need to make it a None Template (online) so i can use it online you see.

(Please note that i am not and do not want to put any stock Template online ever)

Have you tried to clone the template once again? Not the greyed out one, just clone another one from the original first template.

Is this one also greyed out?

Please note that the and indeed all the original (offline) Stock Templates are greyed out and are not changeable.

Yes and yes, i also tried clone from another (offline) Stock Template yet same result being that i cant get it online as cant change it from being an (offline) Template for some reason.

What’s the name of your sys-firewall template?
Do you see the yellow triangle exclamation mark to the right of the Template field in the sys-firewall Settings → Basic tab?

  1. default-dvm (i dont know what default-dvm even means) :face_with_monocle:
  2. Yes (also all greyed out in there, not changeable)

Did you clone default-dvm qube or some template qube e.g. debian-12-xfce qube?

default-dvm is disposable template qube
debian-12-xfce is template qube
Read about terms here:

Point the mouse cursor on the exclamation mark to see the warning message.

I cloned a standard stock Template called; TemplateVM as shown in Qube manager.
All the yellow warning messages seem the same, however the yellow triangle is not present in the (proposed online) Cloned TemplateVM yet it is visible in the (offline) Stock TemplateVM if that helps.

Your sys-firewall is named disposable qube. You can only set its template to disposable template qube e.g. default-dvm.
You can’t set it’s template to be template qube e.g. debian-12-xfce.
Read about disposables here:

What’s the message?

The yellow warning message just chats about Applications not available in the Stock TemplateVM Applications section - yet there is no warning what-so-ever in the newly cloned TemplateVM.

It could be easier for us to understand if you could take a screenshot or picture of the GUI.

Are you sure that your sys-firewall is shutdown?

what has sys.firewall got to do with a Cloned TemplateVM?
sys.firewall is fully up and running or else i will have no internet you see.

My bad, I thought that you wanted to change the template of sys-firewall at first.
Then I can’t understand what are you trying to do.

I want to have a QubeVM to go online but i need to get it from somewhere, the somewhere is cloning from a stock TemplateVM.

Do you just want to create a new app qube e.g. my-mail qube to access your mail?
For this you can create this qube using “Create New Qube” GUI tool (Q → gear icon → Qubes Tools → Create New Qube).
There you can create Application type qube and select the template qube and network connection qube for it.

ok, maybe thats where im going wrong, So im i not supose to be right clicking a TemplateVM and clone it then?

If you want to just create a new app qube then you don’t need to clone the template.

Got you, my question/issue was so so simple thats what made it complex for you lol… thank you very much for your time and help as i was so so baffled and used to cloning VMs on VirtManager, QubesOS is so so much better just need to get used to my way around here, thanks again and much love.