How to extend qubes partitions

I searched the forum but theres no straightforward answer and some lead to dead ends.

Lets say i have the following partitions:

/dev/sda1: 1gb
/dev/sda2: Qubes OS - 300GB
/dev/sda3: unallocated space 100gb

Having already installed qubes is there any way to extend sda2 to take all the unallocated space on sda3?

I tried gparted on live usb but it wouldnt let me extend.

Any suggestions?

It’s not specific to Qubes OS, you can search outside this forum how to extend the LVM thin pool and it’ll be applicable to Qubes OS.

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I would have to run the commands like

lvresize --resizefs /dev/vg_data/thinpool

In dom0 correct?
