How to do manual Qubes Windows Tools installation?

I’m trying to install Qubes Windows Tools to my Windows qube. I am following the instructions here. There’s a section explaining a manual process for the QWT installation. “If you prefer to download the corresponding .rpm files for manual QWT installation, these are still available from the repositories (version 4.1.68-1 for Qubes R4.1.2 and version 4.1.69-1 for Qubes R4.2.0).”

However, there’s no further explanation on what to do with these files. Does anyone know? Can we process these files in a disposable qube?

You need to send the .rpm file you downloaded to dom0 and then use sudo dnf install /path/to/rpmfile to install it.

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I added some information on this to the description of QWT installation, which will be available soon, hopefully.