How to do manual partitioning?

Hello as it is clear in the title how to do manual partioning.

I am using an 500 SSD I made 150GB of free space partion for qubes, now I finished all setup configuration except the partioning part because I do not have enough knowledge.

There was some guide in the forum but it was full of technical details that I could not comprehend. So I need more focused guidance for my situation with simplified step-by-step detailed clarfication.

I want to use luks2 encryption, also I want to know the difference between this file systems and what fits most (LVM variation, Btrfs).

And what is swap partion?

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Are you attempting to dual boot?


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@FranklyFlawless after our previous conversation I had decided to stick with Windows but now I after managing my mind I decided to completly convert to Qubes to prevent Evil maid, as I previously mentioned I want to do manual partioning with LUKS2 so I have several questions how to do manual partioning? what is the difference between Standard partion, LVM, LVM Thin Provisioning, Btrfs and how each would impact my Qubes experience?

This picture is for current partitions:

the iso9660 one is just the usb

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