How to delete obsolete Kernel/Fedora combinations in dom0 after in-place upgrade to 4.2

Hi there,
still getting used to 4.2. Now I want to clean up some things from the upgrade:

  • I have now three kernels/Fedora options for dom0. I am only using the latest (6.1.62-1.fc37) I never tried the other (6.1.62-1.fc32 or 6.1.57-1.fc32) These I see in the bootscreen and also in the qubes global config. How do I safely delete the obsolete versions?

  • in the upgrade process I was informed that dom0 made some backup. I forgot to take note of path and name… where do I find this?

Thank you very much

2 posts were split to a new topic: Backup during 4.2 upgrade, can I use it?