How to create/enable AppVM-specific systemd unit?


I am looking for a way to run some script before other.service starts. rc.local doesn’t seem to work, as the other.service (which runs seems to conflict the script execution, i.e. my script must run before other.service starts which I plan do to with:


I know how to do this using my own systemd unit in the template but the task is not to touch the template. I can obviously put it in /usr/local/lib/systemd/system/my.service but the question is how to enable the service without touching the template, i.e. make it entirely AppVM-specific?

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You can use bind-dirs:

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What is your idea?
How can bind-dirs help?

On second thought bind-dirs won’t help here since you need to reload files after mounting for systemd to see them.

Question: in rc.local, can’t you stop the other.service, alter the config, then start your service (or script) and start the other.service again?

I don’t think there is a way to do this “the Qubes way” right now.

The following was suggested on github and may be the answer to your question, but it’s not merged:

Question: in rc.local, can’t you stop the other.service, alter the config, then start your service (or script) and start the other.service again?

I have not tried but it seems to me it might have unpredicated negative effects.

I have actually found that I can do it without an extra unit. I found a way to fi my own script, which would allow me to run it through rc.local. It had something to do with ownership/permissions which behaved differently in AppVM and DispVMs.

It is still an interesting general problem though.

@DVM thanks for the extra info.

This pull request is quite similar to what I already use for my own units in templates, i.e. Before=qubes-early-vm-config.service.

This use case is explained in the file /rw/config/rc.local (for a simple version)

> cat /rw/config/rc.local 

# This script will be executed at every VM startup, you can place your own
# custom commands here. This includes overriding some configuration in /etc,
# starting services etc.

# Example for overriding the whole CUPS configuration:
#  rm -rf /etc/cups
#  ln -s /rw/config/cups /etc/cups
#  systemctl --no-block restart cups