How much traffic will update use?

The only qube which shows a line service.qubes-update-check is dom0 and there is no 1 on it.

supported-service.qubes-update-check with a 1 is shown for:


What does this mean?

It means that you have not disabled the qubes-update-check service at

Hm. I may have misunderstood the interface. In “Updater checks” section the checkboxes are unchecked. I assumed (obviously wrongly) that the “Disable All” button is equivalent to that but now I understand that clicking the button does something else. After clicking it I see service.qubes-update.check without 1 for all qubes.

Does that confirm that now I have disabled the qubes-update-check service for everything?

If you look carefully, you will see that the checkbox refers to “new
qubes”, and the button to “individual qubes”. If that said “existing
qubes” it would be clearer.


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Thank you!

Could you please clarify the reason for the significant difference between the sum of the forecast and the actual traffic used?

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I’ve always found the Debian prediction to be pretty accurate.
If you have the original bare templates, try dealing with them
individually to see if you can pin the difference to a particular
If you don’t, in future select the templates one by one in the update tool

  • that should help you pin down the difference.
I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum or in the mailing lists I speak for myself.

Thank you!

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