How do you install thinkfan in Qubes?

Installed thinkfan as described above. Enabled the service via

sudo systemctl enable thinkfan

After a reboot it still not worked (systemctl status thinkfan). There were some error messages about a non-existent /proc/acpi/ibm/fan file (although it is there). Also, it was not possible to restart thinkpad_acpi via

sudo modprobe -r thinkpad_acpi && sudo modprobe thinkpad_acpi

It turned out that in /etc/modprobe.d/thinkfan.conf


should be set in order to get thinkfan to start (options thinkpad_acpi fan_control=1 force_load=1).

As mentioned above /etc/thinkfan.conf should be configured and tweaked as desired. These settings were given for an x230 in a linux tutorial:

tp_fan /proc/acpi/ibm/fan
hwmon /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp

(0,     0,      42)
(1,     40,     47)
(2,     45,     52)
(3,     50,     57)
(4,     55,     62)
(5,     60,     72)
(6,     65,     77)
(7,     70,     80)
(127,   75,     32767)

I cannot confirm if they work properly as I’m still testing them. Btw the command sensors delivers temperature values and there is also a sensors widget available for the panel. My x230 tends to overheat lately. I guess I need to re-paste soon. For checking how thinkfan works use sudo systemctl stop thinkfan. After it has stopped and fan control is not in use, it can be re-started while showing the configured fan control level via (temperature values given above are too low for an easily overheating machine leading to a noisy fan)

sudo thinkfan -n