I like to multitask with qubes. My workflow involves launching a program on a qube, switching workspaces, launching another program from a different qube, etc. However, I want to keep each program to stay in the workspace it was launched in rather than the current active workspace.
I’m thinking of using xdotool to move windows to the workspace they originated from. To do this, I’m thinking of searching by pid to get a window number and then running xdotool to move the window.
I have another workaround at the moment. I use wmctrl -s instead of xdotool to switch to desired workspace, then launch the program. I discussed it here:
wmctrl -s lets me change workspaces and launch a program, but the problem’s that I need to wait until the program launches. If I switch to another workspace manually, the program will run in that workspace instead.
I have been working on developing tools for similar purposes (not sure if you saw that thread I shared before). Getting PID from subprocess Python object is possible. But you should know Python and could read the qvm_run.py source. I did not have the time to focus on sending programs to desired workspace aspect of my project. Hopefully in near future.