I downloaded kali-core in the template manager and immediately noticed that it had nothing in it. Read through the forms and saw that I’m supposed to use an apt command after installing so I tried but it keeps saying
from what I know, (after you downloaded kali-core) you have to first run “sudo apt-get install kali-linux-default” from the kali-core terminal to install the full kali package.
But be careful - (at the time) you probably can’t update kali-core with the Qubes update routine and need to do it in the way, is was here explained.
I’ve already read this and found that it doesn’t help at all. I have run “sudo apt-get install kali-linux-default” on a fresh kali-core, on a kali-core after using “apt update && apt upgrade”, on a kali-core after puting packages on hold, and changing bookworm to trixie. NONE OF THEM WORKED.