How do I remove broken icon...4.2 SOLVED

Hey guys,

So I have 5 icons or applets showing up I want to remove. They are (google map, KDE wallet service, Openstreet map, Qwant map,, how these got here I do not know, maybe I over looked them and they were just there. I confirmed they are not installed these apps. The icon to the dose not exist, its just the wording there I want gone as I do not use any of these apps/ services. The only thing I have downloaded and install to dom0 is…KDE partition manager and that came from the community repos.

These are found here…
I click my “qube” icon>go to the> cog>and go to>Other (which is under System settings). And then my list shows up with everything along with them…(google map, KDE wallet service, Openstreet map, Qwant map,

Now I have checked the path of… ~/.local/share/applications
and I can’t find them, so I assume this is because they are nested elsewhere “but where” so I can delete them?

THank you all for your help

After researching and reading. I solved it…

to remove broken icons from menu list found in “other”…

right click…run terminal in folder

terminal cmd’s
sudo su
rm “name of menu list”.desktop
return statment: rm: remove regular file .desktop ?
type: y

menu listing is gone

type …exit ( to leave root privl)