How do i open tor browser?

i am not very technical person, please tell me how i can launch tor browser?
i want to run it in the disposable, but there is only whonix-workstation-17-dvm and i think it is a template and i am not supposed to run tor within it.
i also have two version: tor browser and tor browser downloader. do i download files with tor browser downloader?

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You start Tor Browser in whonix-workstation-17-dvm (not in the template, as you say).
The other one, “Tor Browser Downloader”, is a script to upgrade Tor Browser when needed. You run this one in the template!


Not in whonix-workstation-17-dvm but in Disposable: whonix-workstation-17-dvm. Or in anon-whonix.


One of the more confusing things I had to deal with coming to Qubes was how the menu item that launched a disposable looks a lot like the one to run the template itself. Until you train yourself to look for the word “Disposable” it’s likely to lead to mistakes. Because the other one is not also marked “Template”.

Once on KDE I actually sorted the ones to run the template into a submenu so I wouldn’t see them unless I went looking. Because it’s very rare that you’ll actually want them. (Very rare is not the same as never, though, so one cannot just get rid of them.)

I also make sure mine are labeled “dvmt” (disposable virtual machine template) so that the default appearance says it’s a template (albeit weakly)


Absolutely right! Mea culpa.

I thought about mentioning this, but anon-whonix is persistent. The question was about “disposable”.

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thank you so much!
it works great, but i dont have that little icon called tor circuit that i have in windows, how can i create new circuit for the site i am visiting on the moment please?


Click the hamburger menu and select New Tor circuit for this site, or alternatively use the respective Ctrl + Shift + L keyboard shortcut.

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thank you so much!

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