How Did You Install Qubes?

i see, okay, thanks for information @Insurgo

by the way, since you know a lot about heads, are you part of Heads development ?
i also see, apparently you add verifying installation into Heads documentation.

also, i tried to USB boot from external DVD,
but apparently Heads can only recognize USB thumb drive,
is it possible, for Heads, to USB boot from external DVD ?

if i understand correctly,
the release signing key, under Heads, will be used to verify detached PGP signature,
then the detached PGP signature, will be used to verify Qubes ISO. is it correct ?
but what i don’t understand is, whether it is done automatically by Heads ?
or we have to do it manually in the Heads recovery shell ?

in case the verification fails, will Heads give us kind of warning ?
i.e. release signing key under Heads, fail to verify detached PGP signature, in the media,
or detached PGP signature, fail to verify the ISO.

and then, in case the USB thumb drive we use is infected / compromised,
will it infect heads ?

thanks and regards,